
Creating a data lake

February 9, 2023
5 min

Data lakes are often described as ‘data swamps’ because they are so large that they become unusable and obsolete. They are often the product of uncoordinated data collection efforts, which turn into a complex mess of data, with no clear purpose or strategy for using it. This is why a data lake should be cleaned by using data cleaning tool and built with a clear purpose and strategy in mind, from the beginning.

What is a Data Lake?

Data lakes are centralized repositories that allow you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. Data lakes are usually built on cloud infrastructure for unlimited storage and processing power.

A data lake is usually a single store of all enterprise data including raw copies of source system data, and transformed data used for tasks such as reporting, analytics, machine learning model training, testing, etc.

Why Use Data Lakes?

Data lakes enable organizations to collect, curate, and analyze large amounts of data in one place. Previously, companies had to choose past storage types or use multiple silos to store their data. A data lake can be used as a foundation for big data and analytics architectures.

A data lake that includes all the company’s data assets allows analysts, data scientists, and business users to easily access and use the data they need to solve business problems. You can quickly find, use, and combine all of the information you need to make better business decisions with a data lake by using data cleaning tool that ensures data quality.

Data lakes are not just storage dumps or databases; they are designed to give users the ability to analyze all the data. Data lakes can help organizations gain business insights and competitive advantages with their big data by storing all their data in one place for analysis.

At first sight, the Data Lake and the Data Warehouse are similar: both systems have been conceived to make it possible to archive a large amount of data.

A data warehouse is typically used for storing and managing big data, while a data lake is designed to store all types of structured and unstructured information. However, there are some important differences between the two. The first major difference is that a Data Lake can store any type of data, whereas a Data Warehouse is designed specifically for storing business intelligence (BI) and other large-scale data sets. The second big distinction is that a Data Lake can be accessed by anyone within an organization who has access to the right tools. At the same time, Data warehousing requires specialist skills and knowledge in order to use it effectively.

Finally, although both systems require careful planning and management in order to achieve optimum results, the overall goal of using a Data Lake or Warehouse is different: while using a data set stored in either system allows businesses to make more informed decisions based on accurate information, driving better performance and making smarter choices; putting all your BI into one place (a ‘Data Ecosystem’) is frequently regarded as critical to achieving success with Big Data analytics, which must be prepared and ready for analysis by data cleaning tool.

Benefits of Data Lakes:

Data lakes have many potential benefits for organizations, including:

Cost-effective: Data lakes are designed for cost-effectiveness by storing large amounts of data in an unstructured format without the need for expensive relational database management systems (RDBMS).

Data lakes can help you reduce costs and improve security.

Data lakes are often built for multiple users to share data and analytics workloads. In addition, a data lake can provide analysts with self-service access to data and tools for data preparation, transformation, and modeling. Finally, a data lake enables you to scale your analytics platform to support a variety of use cases.

When creating a data lake architecture, there are a few important factors to take into account.

  • Determine the business value of Data Lake

Before starting to build a data lake, it is necessary to understand the business value of data lakes. A Data Lake represents a huge volume of raw data that has not been processed and can be used for further analysis. Data lakes provide a centralized storage platform for all types of data, structured and unstructured, enabling you to store, process, and analyze your data in one place.

  • Decide what data lakes are for

Many companies build data lakes without knowing why they do it or how they will use them in the future. The goal of building a data lake should be clear from the beginning. Decide what data lakes are for, which specialists will use them, and how often they will contact the data lake for information.

A well-designed data lake should be able to answer questions such as: “What type of business questions or problems can I solve?” “What type of insights can I generate from this data?” or “What are some specific use cases that I can implement with this data?”

  • Which specialists will use the data lake?

decide who will use it. Data lakes are often used by data scientists, analysts, and other data-savvy users who are comfortable working with raw data. Data lakes can also be used by business users who are not comfortable working with raw data but who need access to data that is not available in their current reporting tools. To begin the analysis, you must first prepare and clean the data, which is accomplished using a data cleaning tool.

  • Assess your existing security and privacy controls
  • Control the data ingestion process
  • Make a storage plan

Once you know what your data lake is for, you need to make a storage plan.

Make a storage strategy.

Metadata is the most important component of a clean data lake. This is critical service information that includes the date and time when files were created and changed, as well as the names of the most recent users and other data. Based on this information, any data set can be easily extracted from the lake and applied to the benefit of the company.

By using a data cleaning tool, data is cleaned, enriched, and transformed to make it an authoritative source of truth for users.

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