
Modern Data Architecture Recipes and Benefits

February 9, 2023
5 min

Data flow and data management are difficult to arrange and architect for a number of reasons.

First, data is available in a variety of formats, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, and may be in the form of text, images, video, or audio.

This can make it difficult to determine how to best process and store the data.

Second, data pipelines must be integrated with a wide range of diverse systems. This can create challenges in terms of scalability, smooth integration, and safe shareability.

Finally, data pipelines must be designed to be decomposable and independent. This means that each component of the pipeline must be able to be isolated and changed without affecting the other components.

Data pipelines are used to process and analyze data, and can be used for a variety of purposes, including ETL, data warehousing, data lakes, and data science. These pipelines must be designed to accommodate the specific needs of the data being processed. The volume of data, the frequency of data changes, the number of data sources, the types of data, and the data processing requirements are all factors that must be considered.

In addition, data pipelines must be able to scale to accommodate future growth.

There is a wide variety of data formats and standards that must be accommodated. This can lead to problems with compatibility and interoperability. Data management systems must be able to handle a variety of workloads, including batch processing, real-time streaming, and interactive queries. This can be difficult to achieve with a single system. It can be difficult to monitor and optimize data pipelines due to their complexity.

Data pipelines are often built using a combination of batch and streaming processing.

  • Streaming data pipelines are used to process data in real-time as it is generated.

There are a number of factors to consider when designing a data pipeline, including scalability, reliability, performance, and cost. The specific needs of the organization will dictate the design of the data pipeline.

  • Batch processing pipelines A batch process is primarily used for traditional analytics use cases where data is periodically collected, transformed, and moved to a cloud data warehouse for business functions and conventional business intelligence use cases.

This can make it difficult to determine how data should be processed and stored. Also it creates challenges in terms of scalability, smooth integration, and safe shareability. Data pipelines must be able to deal with failures gracefully. This means designing for redundancy and robustness, which can add to the complexity of the system.

Modern data architecture designs

  • Lambda architectures are composed of three layers: batch, speed, and serving.

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  1. The batch layer is responsible for processing historical data and calculating pre-computed results.
  2. The speed layer handles real-time data and calculates results on the fly.
  3. The serving layer is a query interface that pulls data from the batch and speed layers as needed.
  • Kappa architectures are similar to Lambda architectures, but they do not have a separate batch layer.

All data is processed in real-time by the speed layer.

Delta architectures are a variation of the Lambda architecture that uses a hybrid batch-streaming approach.

  • Delta architecture, the batch layer is used to process historical data and calculate pre-computed results. The streaming layer handles real-time data and calculates results on the fly. The serving layer is a query interface that pulls data from the batch and streaming layers as needed.

When you invest in a proper data pipeline and data architecture, you will be able to improve your data quality and performance. Data pipelines are designed to collect, process and move large amounts of data from one system to another. Data architecture is used to store and organize your data so that it can be easily accessed and analyzed. Data quality is the most important aspect of data architecture. A well-designed data pipeline will ensure that your data is of high quality and is easily accessible. This will help you make better decisions and improve your business performance.

Moreover, if you think that you don’t have a proper data pipeline and architecture, it’s time you invest in a data cleansing/preparing service. Get in touch with us to get started with data cleaning services. We, at Sweephy, offer reliable and cost-efficient data cleaning and preparing software at competitive rates.

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